The consortium is formed by two SMEs from two European countries
Spain and Norway

bound4blue (Spain), as a project promoter and coordinator, is in charge of the aspiring wingsail technology developement and overall turn-key solution management.
b4b is a private SME based in Cantabria (Spain), whose mission is to deliver automated wind-assisted propulsion systems that harness renewable energy as a turn-key solution to all shipowners and operators looking to decrease their fuel-related costs and pollutant emissions.
The first product of the company is a rigid wingsail system designed to be installed onto merchant vessels as complementary propulsion system, taking profit of wind power to reduce their fuel consumption and pollutant emissions.

Kyma a.s (Norway), as a project partner, is in charge of performance monitoring of the vessel, comparing its performance pre- and post-wingsail installation.
They are specialists in the field of manufacturing and development of products for marine performance monitoring.
The Kyma products are installed on more than 6.000 vessels worldwide and supplied to numerous reputable shipowners and management companies. The Kyma system displays instant values on board, in assistance to the best possible operation of the vessel.